Mark’s Black Hole Theory

There are many theories about black holes, some are very reasonable and others well they are out there.

Who Coined the Term Back Holes?

The physicist John Wheeler (1911-) is credited with the term “black hole” which he first used in 1967. Before him the idea existed of a star from which not even light could escape, but they were known as “dark stars” or sometimes “frozen stars”. Wheeler is renowned for his ability to put complex ideas into simple and very descriptive terms. He is also credited with the word “spacetime”.

Why exactly he came up with the term “black hole” I’m not sure of, but you might be able to find out in his autobiography Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam: A Life in Physics. Another book with a nice history of black hole science is Black Holes and Time Warps by Kip Thorne.

Quick Recap of the Science Behind Death of a Star?

Black holes are considered to be the end result of a dying star.

Stars are believed to have a few processes going on at any given time.

Fission and fusion are both nuclear reactions that produce energy. Fission is the splitting of a heavy, unstable nucleus into two lighter nuclei, and fusion is the process where two light nuclei combine together releasing vast amounts of energy.

So since we know that a star turns Hydrogen in Helium, we know that fusion is the most common process in a star. This process continues with in a stars core pushing outwards energy, heat and photons (light).

This radiation starts up being trapped inside the star, and it can take more than 100,000 years to work its way out. You might not realise it, but light can emit a force when it bumps up against something. So all the light inside the star emits a pressure that opposes the force of gravity pulling all the material inward.

A star can exist in relative stability in this way for billions of years. Eventually, though, the star runs out of hydrogen fuel. At this point, a new reaction takes over, as helium atoms are fused together into heavier and heavier elements, like carbon and oxygen and can go all the way through to iron.

Once the helium is used up, a medium-mass star like our Sun just runs out of fuel. It can no longer sustain a fusion reaction. And without the pressure of the light ballooning it out, the star contracts down into a white dwarf – made mostly out of carbon.

A white dwarf star shines because it’s still very hot, but it slowly cools down over time. Eventually it will become cool enough that it’s invisible. And if we could wait long enough, the star would become a black dwarf star. The Universe hasn’t existed long enough for us to have any black dwarfs, but there are plenty of white dwarfs.

Quantum mechanics provided the explanation. Pressure from fast moving electrons keeps these stars from collapsing. The more massive the core, the denser the white dwarf that is formed. Thus, the smaller a white dwarf is in diameter, the larger it is in mass!

Sometimes, particularly massive white dwarfs (those near the 1.4 solar mass) may accrete so much mass in the manner that they collapse and explode completely, becoming what is known as a supernova.

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On average, a supernova explosion occurs about once every hundred years in the typical galaxy. About 25 to 50 supernovae are discovered each year in other galaxies, but most are too far away to be seen without a telescope.

From hear the end result will be either Neutron Stars or Black holes.

If the collapsed stellar core is larger than three solar masses, it collapses completely to form a black hole: an infinitely dense object whose gravity is so strong that nothing can escape its immediate proximity, not even light. Since photons are what our instruments are designed to see, black holes can only be detected indirectly.

Indirect observations are possible because the gravitational field of a black hole is so powerful that any nearby material – often the outer layers of a companion star – is caught up and dragged in. As matter spirals into a black hole, it forms a disk that is heated to enormous temperatures, emitting copious quantities of X-rays and Gamma-rays that indicate the presence of the underlying hidden companion.

How are black holes Created?

As you have just read when a star starts the process of fission in its core of heavier and heavier atoms the star can start the process of dying. Super massive stars can last long enough to process iron at its core.

The process of fusion slows down and cannot maintain the outwards pressures can no longer fight against the growing gravitational forces within the star, thus the outer parts of a star can falling inwards and can explode dramatically.

If it is just the outer parts that explode then is is known as a nova, however if the inner and outer explode it is coined as a super nova.

The make up of the heavy core determines whether you end up with a neutron star or a black hole. The Heavier the core and the closer to Iron the core is made from the higher the chance that a black hole will form.

So the core which is already dense under the gravity and heat of the star under the super novae explosion causes both an outwards explosion but also an inward increase in compression. This super compression along with the immense heat causes the core to compress and fuse into a highly dense core will a lot of mass and gravitational pull.

So a black hole is in fact a dead star core.

What happens next?

You now have a highly charged and energised core with such immense compressed mass that has a gravitational pull of a much larger star.

Dead star cores rotate and begin to draw back a lot of the material they excreted during the explosion as well as any other matter in the area including the outer shells of other stars.

Just like with planets and suns, rings form inline with the direction of their spin. The outward circular acceleration forcing this matter away is held in check by the immense gravitation pull inwards.

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Some of the matter will be held in orbit in what is known as the Even Horizon. Some will be drawn into the core never to be seen again.


Mark’s Theory About Why Light does not escape a black hole or dead star core!

It has been said that the gravity of a black hole (dead star core) is so immense that light cannot escape.

Well I was looking at this.

To be able to see anything we need an object to either produce (emit) or reflect or refract  photons in significant quantity to travel to us to be observed.

So the matter circling the event horizon that we can see must be emitting or reflecting light (photons) so that we can see them.  As we get closer to the core of the dead star the gravity will be strong enough to begin the process of breaking down larger masses into smaller and smaller atoms and literally shred matter apart.

The first part then is the destruction of matter into he simplest of parts and particles. All of which now no longer reflect or emit photons in any significant amounts to be seen. One of the reasons the dead cores are black.

I then thought that what about photons directed straight at the black hole, should then not be reflected back out. However the immense potential magnetism, energy, gravity and other processes going on that electromagnetic waves are diffused, absorbed or scattered in such a way that they are unable to escape the core.

Any light waves that do escape are not longer in the visible spectrum and may escape as radiation and other energy in the form of energy wind.

Black Hole Wind

The other interesting thing about black holes is that black holes do not just suck everything in and that nothing can escape a black hole. Energy and radiation escapes black holes  and in a very spectacular and powerful way.

Black holes emit a kind of energy or radiation wind, and not in the energy spiked form that was previously thought (Hawking Radiation ). This wind has been observed blowing gasses and highly ionised particles away from it at speeds greater than 25% the speed of light. (7494811.2 m/s)

This wind blow goes out from a black hole in almost a perfect sphere in every direction. This finding rules out the possibility that the wind blows out in narrow beams or radiation spike.




Picture Reference & More Reading:


So here is some terms I have to name the black hole – star core.

In the diagram below

  1. The dead star core. The size of which we do not know because we cannot see it. It is also what some scientists are calling a singularity. a centralised point of immense dense matter.
  2. The space between the star core and the event horizon is a space of blackness which in one way is the real black hole. Because it is likely that this space is mostly empty, excepts for matter falling off the event horizon towards the star core. Black hole space or black hole void.
  3. The edge of the the black hole void and the yellow accretion matter is the Event Horizon. The place of no return.
  4. The Yellow part of the Accretion Matter is relatively stable. It is said to be in perfect orbit. Where acceleration throw and gravity cancel out.
  5. The orange part of the Accretion Matter is in flux, it is a mixture of new matter and stable matter.
  6. The Red part of the Accretion ring is new matter joining the team. This can be from surrounding matter or even sucking the life out of a near by star.


Summary – Why black holes are black

  1. Gravity causes matter that emits photons to degrade and break apart to simplest forms and thus stop being able to reflect or emit photons.
  2. Core strong magnetic and gravity core disrupts, absorbs, defuses and changes electromagnetic waveform out of the visible spectrum.
  3. Gravity does not draw light waves in. Light may be able to escape in different forms for example- energy radiation winds.




I have read a lot about black holes, and in truth scientist know about 2% of what makes a black hole.

However, through my reading I have developed my Theory of a Black hole.

Mark’s Black Hole Theory

In short.

  1. The larger the star the more chance it will turn into a black hole when it dies.
  2. The larger a star the more chance it will begin fusion of iron at its core
  3. When a star dies in a super nova it super compresses the core and the immense heat would fuse the core.
  4. The size of the core would dictate the size of the black hole.
  5. The rotation of the black hole with depend on the rotation of the star and the resulting super nova adding or destroying this spin.
  6. Black holes are essentially dead star cores. and not holes at all.
  7. There is higher chance that dead star cores are some form or alloy of iron at its centre.
  8. The spin accelerates matter around them creating the matter ring or accretion disk
  9. The Event Horizon is at the edge of the disk where the gravity is stronger than the outward acceleration of the spin.
  10. Any matter that slips over this line is drawn into the core where the gravity is strong enough to break apart or change the properties of the matter.
  11. The Space between the Dead Star Core and the Event Horizon I have penned as the Black Hole Void.
  12. Light may not trapped by gravity as scientists have suggested.
  13. Any light moving within the Event Horizon into the Dark Hole Void is subject to high energy, potential magnetic fields and is either scattered, absorbed or boosted in energy levels.
  14. Light then reflects or escapes a black hole void as high energy winds and high energy X-Rays to Gamma Rays or even beyond.
  15. Hawking’s Radiation may be totally inaccurate process but just his thoughts on what is happening.
  16. The accretion disks spin, heat up and often becomes magnetised.
  17. Inside the void space other magnetic forces going on along coupled with the cores spin and gravitational effects warping and twisting both internal magnetic fields and entering magnetic plasma can create tornado type events of super jests of these magnetised plasma. often these jets are of the material from the accretion disk rather then from within. But may be both.
  18. Time does not stop inside a black hole.
  19. Gravity of a black hole does not change time.
  20. Speeds within a black hole do not alter time.
  21. Black holes may grow in size as they absorb matter and energy
  22. There are no holes through space inside a black hole
  23. They are black because light is reflected as very high X-Rays or higher energy radiation above our visual light spectrum.

My Readings have come from NASA, Life & Death of a Star, Scattering of light in an electric or magnetic field and other similar material. I then used this information to put my concept together.