Equipment and Reviews

I will be listing here equipment, reviews and products for you to find and use to explore the greater world of the cosmos mysteries.


This is the most recent telescope I have purchased. I first used it the other day and it was a half moon. The contrast with shadows of the craters was amazing. My 3 year old who loves the moon went wow amazing as she looked into the eye piece.

So why did I buy this one. I did my research and found that the bigger the aperture the further away you can see things. However as the aperture gets bigger so does the price.

So I asked the question can I see Saturn.  And the 127mm Powerseeker has the power at a reasonable price bracket. And I agree its the best size for the money. Smaller sizes around 70mm are great for the moon, and 50mm for sight seeing. but you really need the extra size to see anything other than the moon.


Celestron 21049 Power Seeker Telescope, Reflector, Black

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